Saturday, August 24, 2013

Day 5- Home Alone

It's Day 5 in chastity and I am finally accepting the fact that I no longer have control of my manhood. I went out last night and sadly knew that I wasn't gonna get lucky. Master Said that at all times I am to be plugged as well. I am to Plug my man pussy and then tape the plug in Place, that is until I get a Better Plug, one that Master approves of. Today has been a good Day, My dad took My baby brother to look for a new car so I got the house to myself. When I am home alone I am always naked, it's been a habit since I can remember, The only thing on me is my Chastity and Duct Tape across my ass to hold my plug in. Only a Matter of time before My house will be finished and I will be naked at home all the time. Being dressed only when I go to work or the gym. I tried running on the treadmill today while plugged and that was a new experience, not very easy. Sorry For Today's update not being very interesting, but stay tuned and hopefully soon I will do another Anal Cumming story if Master lets me do it again, after all Master Said I could orgasm, I just had to do it Anally.

As Always

-Gabe :)

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